Is Moon balance good for menopause? - New Beginnings HRT Clinic

Moon balance is a popular herbal supplement marketed to help relieve menopause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and sleep problems. The key ingredients in Moon balance are black cohosh, chasteberry, red clover, and soy isoflavones. Black cohosh has been used for centuries by Native Americans to treat menstrual and menopause issues. Today, it's one of the most clinically researched herbs for relieving hot flashes and night sweats. It may work by acting like estrogen in some parts of the body. Chasteberry has long been used to support hormonal balance in women. Some research suggests it may help ease PMS and menopausal symptoms like mood swings by interacting with dopamine and opioid receptors. However, more research is still needed. Red clover contains phytoestrogens called isoflavones, which may help manage hot flashes and support bone health during menopause. The research is mixed - some studies show modest benefits while others show no effect. Soy isoflavones are another source of plant-based estrogen that may provide relief from hot flashes. Data on other menopause symptoms is limited. Concerns about soy interacting with hormone-sensitive cancers aren't well supported but more research is underway. Here's a quick rundown of some of the potential benefits of the key ingredients in Moon balance:

And some potential side effects to be aware of: Rare but serious side effects have been reported with black cohosh such as liver damage. Now, let’s dive deeper into some of the published research on using Moon balance or its key ingredients for menopause: Hot Flashes/Night Sweats Mood/Emotions Bone Health In summary, Moon balance contains herbal ingredients like black cohosh, red clover, and chasteberry that show potential for relieving some of the most troublesome menopause symptoms - namely hot flashes, night sweats and mood changes. The research is most robust for black cohosh while more studies are needed to confirm benefits for the other herbs. This herbal supplement may also support better bone health during the menopause transition. When considering Moon balance or any other menopause supplement, discuss it with your healthcare provider first to weigh appropriateness for your individual health status. While generally well tolerated, side effects are possible and black cohosh in particular has rarely been associated with liver toxicity. Hope this overview on Moon balance for menopause was helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions. At New Beginnings HRT Clinic, our physicians and nurses specialize in evidence-based bioidentical hormone therapy to help women sail through menopause smoothly and improve their quality of life, vitality and health. Contact us today for a consultation to review your menopause treatment options including BHRT.

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